Event box

Regenerative Farming with Community Involvement In-Person / Online
Join the Barrington Farm School on Tuesday, April 25 at 1 pm for an informative presentation on regenerative agriculture and how to get your community involved.
This presentation will showcase how the Barrington Farm School nurtures and creates a healthy landscape for growing chemical-free vegetables and flowers through regenerative farming practices. The farm, right here in Barrington, also encourages a biodiverse habitat for pollinators to thrive, a program for community drop-off of food waste that's turned into compost, supports beehives for local honey and hosts field trips for local schools. Community involvement for growing food and caring for this environment is essential as the farm school demonstrates the harmony between regenerative farming and the volunteers who make it all happen. Free spring seeds for attendees!
The URI Master Gardeners will also be on-site with an information kiosk before and after the talk to answer any gardening questions you have.
Free and open to all. Registration is required with in-person and Zoom (online) options available!
Before the presentation, seniors 60-years-of-age and older are invited to go down to the Peck Center for lunch at 11:45 am. Lunch can be enjoyed for a suggested donation of $3. Please call 401-247-1926 x201 to reserve your seat for lunch at least 24 hours before.
Complete List of Lectures in Barrington Public Library's Gardening Series:
- January 19: Celebrating the Winter Garden
- January 31: Composting for Gardeners
- February 16: Planting for Native Pollinators
- February 28: Vegetable Gardening for Beginners
- March 16: Native Carnivorous Plants
- March 28: Escaping the Stranglehold of Invasive Plants
- April 13: Backyard Gardening: Getting Back to our Roots
- April 25: Regenerative Farming with Community Involvement
- May 11: The Wonder of Trees
- May 23: The Barrington Pollinator Pathway
This program is co-sponsored by The Friends of the Barrington Library and the Peck Center for Adult Enrichment.