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Roger Williams and His World: A History in Documents In-Person
Join Charlotte Carrington-Farmer, PhD for a lecture based on her new book Roger Williams and His World: A History in Documents. on Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 pm. In this presentation, Carrington-Farmer will vividly bring to life Roger Williams' early years in England, his migration to New England, his banishment from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the founding of Providence, his revolutionary views on religious freedom and the separation of church and state, and the wide-ranging interactions he had with indigenous peoples. This is sure to be a lecture that will delight Rhode Island history lovers!
Free and open to all. Please register below to reserve your seat.
About Charlotte Carrington-Farmer
Charlotte Carrington-Farmer received her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, and specializes in early American history. Her book, Roger Williams and His World (Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, Jan. 2025), sets Roger Williams in his wider Atlantic world context. Her research centers on dissent in seventeenth-century New England, and she has published book chapters on Thomas Morton and Roger Williams, and an article on Mary Williams. She has published a journal article and two book chapters on equines in colonial New England and the early modern Atlantic world. Her current book project is titled: Equine Atlantic: New England’s Horse Trade to the West Indies in the 18th Century. She is active in the field of public history, and has received funding and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Yale University, the Mellon Foundation, and the New England Regional Fellowship Consortium. Carrington-Farmer is a Professor of History at Roger Williams University.