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Climate Future Film Festival

Climate Future Film Festival In-Person

Ten films from four continents in two hours give expression to what we’re feeling—hope and cynicism, climate denial and climate grief, rage and heartbreak, resilience and resolve—and offer paths toward climate empowerment. Join us on Sunday, April 6 at 1 pm for a free screening followed by a discussion.


America’s leading voice on climate, Bill McKibben, co-founder of 350.org and Third Act, is the Honorary Judge and launches the Festival in a videotaped introduction. The following movies, including one produced in Rhode Island, will be aired:

  • The Mud on Their Hands - Directed by Jason Whalen (USA)
  • Sacrificed - Directed by David Sanchez (Canada)
  • The Sprayer - Directed by Farnoosh Abedi (Iran)
  • I Want Your to Panic! - Directed by Moritz Hoffmann (Germany)
  • Calamity TV - Directed by Ryan Vemmer (Rhode Island, USA)
  • I Was Just a Child - Directed by Breech Asher Harani (Philippines)
  • Ola Ka Honua - Directed by Jilli Rose (Australia)
  • The Operator - Directed by Matt Riley (UK)
  • Baby Dolphins - Directed by Kevin Delobelle (France)
  • Feeling the Apocalypse - Directed by Chen Sing Yap (Canada)

In Collaboration with Barrington Land Conservation Trust.

Sunday, April 6, 2025
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Salem Family Auditorium

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Siobhan Egan
Siobhan Egan

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